02 May 2023 - At the upcoming Belgrade Energy Forum 2023, energy law experts from CMS will present key pressing issues for renewable energy projects
02 May 2023 - A significant decrease in electricity demand combined with record renewable electricity supply prevented the EU from returning to fossil fuels
29 April 2023 - The US is providing technical assistance and its technology to the Western Balkans for cybersecurity, including for critical infrastructure
25 April 2023 - The level of key air pollutants in many European countries remains above the World Health Organization's health-based guidelines
25 April 2023 - The EU has passed the reform of the CO2 Emissions Trading System including a carbon border tax and passed a law on the Social Climate Fund
24 April 2023 - All corridors outlined by the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance would be connected to Germany. One is through Southeastern Europe.
20 April 2023 - As for the countries tracked by Balkan Green Energy News, only Slovenia didn’t achieve the planned cut
20 April 2023 - The great interest in the energy conference of the year, which is what many call BEF 2023, was confirmed by a record response from sponsors and institutional partners. To secure your spot, register by April 30.
19 April 2023 - The ICIS Northwest Europe ammonia-to-hydrogen assessment fell in value for the ninth straight week in mid-April
19 April 2023 - This year, the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEV) is taking place live and in an online format. Registration for attendance in Brussels is open.
19 April 2023 - CEF Energy has been set up to support studies and construction works. It has a grant budget of EUR 5.84 billion for the period 2021-2027.
18 April 2023 - Heavy industry’s transition to clean energy
13 April 2023 - Germany is abandoning nuclear power – this week, the country will take the remaining three plants off the grid
13 April 2023 - The program, implemented by Das Progressive Zentrum, specifically targets Central and Eastern Europe as well as the Western Balkans
12 April 2023 - Emissions from power plants rose in 2022, but change is coming fast with the rise in output from clean sources, according to Ember
11 April 2023 - Ten years before the coal phaseout deadline, the Czech Republic's three coal regions are preparing to pilot hydrogen technologies