
Activists concerned following European Parliament vote on Critical Raw Materials Act

Activists slam EU after vote on Critical Raw Materials Act

17 September 2023 - Civil society organizations criticized EU institutions after the European Parliament adopted a position on the Critical Raw Materials Act


Business breakfast event at CMS Vienna to shed light on renewables bankability

15 September 2023 - CMS Vienna and the German Eastern Business Association announced a business breakfast for September 20 on the topic of renewables bankability

RED3 European-Parliament-double-renewables-share-consumption-by-2030

European Parliament votes to double renewables share in consumption by 2030

13 September 2023 - Lawmakers passed the EU's revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED3) including a 2030 renewables target share of 42.5% in energy consumption

eu solar industry china import prices solar power europe

European solar industry may face wave of bankruptcies – SolarPower Europe

13 September 2023 - If we don’t respond, we’re looking at another wave of bankruptcies, CEO of SolarPower Europe Walburga Hemetsberger said

pirot clean air regions initiative cari air pollution

Pirot becomes 13th local authority in Clean Air Regions Initiative

11 September 2023 - The initiative incentivizes ambitious regions and communities of the contracting parties to take action in the air quality segment

Clearing the haze: prioritizing air quality in Southeast Europe

07 September 2023 - The quality of air can significantly impact our health and quality of life. In Southeast Europe, air pollution is the leading environmental threat to public health.

Sefcovic EU to start proper implementation European Green Deal

Šefčovič: EU to start proper implementation of European Green Deal

05 September 2023 - The EU will enter the phase of proper implementation of the Green Deal, the European Commission's new Executive Vice President Šefčovič said

The installation of solar panels above the orchard is beneficial as it helps conserve water and lowers the temperature.

Solar panels above orchards lower temperature, help conserve water

05 September 2023 - Solar panels over apple, cherry and nectarine plantations in the south of France have improved growing conditions and fruit yields

SolarEdge Making solar safer for the enterprise the why what and how

Making solar safer for the enterprise: the why, what and how

05 September 2023 - With the potential to benefit businesses, smart solar solutions are cropping up on shopping centres, factories, airports, schools, and hospitals

Germany EnBW buys stake green ammonia plant under construction

Germany’s EnBW buys stake in green ammonia plant under construction

01 September 2023 - EnBW bought 10% of the Skipavika Green Ammonia (SkiGA) project in Western Norway amid a worsening perspective for the technology

andrada hungary recycling battery

Slovenian firm Andrada to build battery recycling plant in Hungary

01 September 2023 - The company founders are Slovenian entrepreneurs, experts, and automotive suppliers TAB Mežica, and ACH Invest

EU fossil-fired power plants production at lowest levels since records began - Ember

EU fossil-fired power plant production slumps to all-time low – Ember

31 August 2023 - The first half of 2023 saw a collapse in electricity production from fossil fuels in the EU to a record low, think tank Ember said

EU publishes terms, conditions for upcoming EU Hydrogen Bank pilot auction 

EU publishes terms for European Hydrogen Bank’s upcoming pilot auction 

31 August 2023 - The auction, funded by the Innovation Fund under the umbrella of the European Hydrogen Bank, is intended to be opened on November 23

Paris prohibits e scooters rentals local referendum

Paris prohibits e-scooter rentals after local referendum

29 August 2023 - Renters are removing their e-scooters from Paris streets ahead of the September 1 deadline as safety and mobility issues led to a ban

Share green hydrogen Vienna cogeneration plant reaches 15

Share of green hydrogen in Vienna cogeneration plant reaches 15%

29 August 2023 - The gas-fired Donaustadt heat and power plant in Vienna is now using a mix with up to 15% of green hydrogen

eu electricity market reform acer christophe gence creux interview

Gence-Creux, ACER: EU power market reform to minimize price volatility for consumers

25 August 2023 - Electricity market design reform is currently one of the hottest topics in the energy sector in Europe. We spoke with Christophe Gence-Creux, head of the Department for Electricity at the ACER

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