19 January 2016 - The association of entrepreneurs, employers and craftspeople of Toplica region in Serbia’s south organized a...
29 December 2015 - Bidders have 37 days to send propositions in the prequalification phase for the concession for...
25 December 2015 - With the completion of the facility for hot-washing PET flakes, and the lines for waste...
17 December 2015 - Within the Business Conference BEES 2015 (Business of Energy Efficiency in Serbia), BDI – BioEnergy...
08 December 2015 - “We want to identify the waste-to-energy potential in Serbia and the need for energy, but...
04 December 2015 - While developed countries in the European Union, such as the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark, recycle...
13 November 2015 - A by-law was outlined, determining the documents needed for applications to import, export and transport...
05 November 2015 - Stana Božović, state secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Radomir Nikolić, mayor...
15 October 2015 - Offers for the selection of an operator for the Vinča landfill as part of a...
14 September 2015 - A mechanical-biological treatment facility with a capacity of 410,000 tonnes of mixed waste per year...
28 August 2015 - The city of Belgrade published an invitation for qualifications recognition in a public–private partnership (PPP)...
24 July 2015 - Polish Tesla Recycling acquired the majority stake in a subsidiary of international household appliances maker...
22 July 2015 - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development said it launched a programme to finance investments...
28 June 2015 - Turkey’s most populated city will fund the capacity extension of Odayeri, the country’s largest waste-fuelled...
08 June 2015 - A EUR 4 million project designed to collect recyclable waste from households was implemented by...
29 May 2015 - Bidders can send propositions by September 25 for the construction of a waste management centre...