GIZ select firm Serbia rooftop solar power plant grant applications open

GIZ to select firm in Serbia for rooftop solar power plant grant – applications are open

02 August 2023 - GIZ prepared up to EUR 25,000 for a selected company in Serbia to cover part of the expenses of setting up a rooftop solar power plant


Solar podcast: Self-consumption solar projects are gaining ground among Serbian firms

04 July 2023 - The guests of the solar podcast gave an insight into models for permitting, billing, and financing of companies' solar systems for self-consumption


GIZ takes 25 guests from Serbia to visit renewable energy sites in Germany

16 June 2023 - The visit focused on prosumers - solar power plants in households, residential communities, and public and private buildings


Solar podcast: installing solar panels in Serbia can cut electricity bills by nearly 50%

12 June 2023 - The third episode of solar podcast ‘Everything you wanted to know about solar panels, but didn’t have anyone to ask’.

Second Solar Camp for Young Leaders Serbia

Second Solar Camp for Young Leaders is underway in Serbia

16 March 2023 - Participants in the second Solar Camp for Young Leaders in Serbia are getting acquainted with renewable energy production

GIZ supports trainings for solar panel installers serbia

GIZ to organize training course for solar panel installers in Serbia

15 March 2023 - The number of trainees at the School Center of the Energy Net Academy in Kać is limited. All candidates must file applications.

solar podcast balkan green energy news serbia

Solar podcast – Everything you wanted to know about solar panels, but didn’t have anyone to ask

16 February 2023 - The solar podcast will consist of four sessions, and first episode will be streamed on February 28 from 18:30 to 20:00

GIZ conducts training courses for professional development in solar energy application

GIZ conducts training courses for professional development in solar energy

24 November 2022 - GIZ has conducted professional development training courses in the field of solar energy for high school teachers and solar panel installers

GIZ contractor grid integration study prosumers Serbia

GIZ seeks contractor for grid integration study for prosumers in Serbia

04 November 2022 - Germany's development agency GIZ called on potential contractors in Serbia to prepare offers for a grid integration study for prosumers

GIZ subsidies solar panels Novi Pazar Serbia prosumers

GIZ helping two households in Serbia’s Novi Pazar to install rooftop solar

31 October 2022 - Owners of two houses in the city of Novi Pazar in Serbia will receive co-financing in the amount of 50% of their investment

GIZ grants funds for subsidies for three additional prosumers in Kragujevac in Serbia

09 September 2022 - GIZ will cover half of the costs for the purchase and installation of rooftop solar power panels for three households in Kragujevac in Serbia

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Germany’s GIZ to help Serbia make renewables available to everyone

09 June 2022 - Minister Zorana Mihajlović signed an agreement with GIZ on the Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Serbia

India 30 GW hybrid solar wind

India launches 30 GW hybrid solar, wind power project

17 December 2020 - India inaugurated a future 30 GW hybrid solar and wind electricity complex, the world's biggest power production project

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