
Biogas power plant boosting Slatina’s economy


January 7, 2016


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January 7, 2016


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Company Biointegra d. o. o. plans to complete its 2.4 MW facility for generating electrical energy from biogas in Slatina by May 1, regional daily Glas Slavonije’s portal said. The municipality in Croatia’s northeast experienced stagnation for three years, as procedures were underway for significant projects, and this one is worth EUR 7 million. The enterprise’s owner Franjo Hoić said the power plant in the economic zone of Kućanica-Medinci will supply its manufacturing facility with 0.4 MW and sell the remaining output to the grid. The electricity generation will be run remotely, from a dispatch centre. The plant will employ three people, with help from six seasonal workers.

Thirty family farms on 400 hectares, producing maize silage, will supply the plant. “We plan to build greenhouses for vegetable production, and the heat energy will suffice for two hectares. More than twenty workers could be hired in them,” Hoić said. His and his partners’ firm Bioplin proizvodnja d. o. o. will launch construction of another electric power plant in the same economic zone. The facility will have capacity of 1 MW and the project is worth EUR 4.4 million. Total investment by the entrepreneur in Slatina, including two power plants and greenhouses, are estimated at EUR 14 million, the article said.

In early November, canopy solar power plant Sinerot started to operate nearby. Its total value is EUR 900,000 and its co-founder is the local authority.

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