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The Energy Regulatory Authority (ERE) launched a public consultation process after initiating the procedure to appoint the Albanian Power Exchange to be the nominated electricity market operator, NEMO, for Albania and Kosovo*.
Two and a half months after coming online with the introduction of a day-ahead market, the Albanian Power Exchange – ALPEX is working on formally obtaining the status of a nominated electricity market operator or NEMO. The country’s Energy Regulatory Authority said it initiated the necessary procedure as the bourse’s operator has applied for the role.
A NEMO is an entity designated by the electricity regulator to perform tasks related to day-ahead and intraday market coupling
The first phase is a ten-day public consultation period. A NEMO is an entity designated by the regulator to perform tasks related to the day-ahead and intraday market coupling. In the case of ALPEX, which was established by the transmission system operators of Albania and Kosovo*, it is set to become responsible for both markets.
Albania’s OST holds 57.25% share and Kosovo’s KOSTT owns the remaining stake. ALPEX currently covers only Albania while Kosovo* is planned to be added within a few months.
Elsewhere in the Western Balkans, the North Macedonian domestic day-ahead power trading platform was launched in May, after Montenegro’s MEPX or BELEN. Serbia’s SEEPEX is about to introduce an intraday electricity market.
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