Croatian chamber of agriculture held a seminar on the topic of “Alternative use of waste and residue from agricultural production for economically justified production of agro pellets”, in cooperation with partners from Serbia, BiH and Czech Republic.
If all agro-biomass potentials were used and turned into pellets for heating, between five and 10 thousand people would be employed and Croatia would save HRK 5 to 7 billion (EUR 672 to 941 million) on energy, said Darko Grivičić, owner of Eurotim company.
Over 100 participants heard the lectures on the energy potentials from agro-biomass, pelleting and heating technologies and the possibilities for their financing. The aim of the seminar was to give information on the use of agro-biomass as an alternative source of energy in Croatia, but also to exchange regional experiences.
Lectures were held by prominent experts from the University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Agronomy, Energy institute “Hrvoje Požar” and the Ministry of agriculture, with international partners GREENLINE Western Balkans Cluster Foundation, AGROMERCATOR, ProPelety and Market-Connect.
Contrary to wood biomass, agricultural biomass is still underutilized in the Western Balkans, although in some countries it has greater potential. The agro-biomass market is also underdeveloped compared to the wood biomass market.
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