
Simtel, Monsson join forces to develop solar, energy storage

Simtel Monsson solar pv storage partnership

Photo: Monsson


September 30, 2024



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September 30, 2024



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Renewable energy companies Simtel and Monsson have announced the signing of a strategic partnership on the development of solar and energy storage projects in Romania.

The strategic partnership is aimed at developing, constructing, and selling photovoltaic and/or hybrid projects with a total installed capacity of approximately 150 MWp.  Additionally, the partnership will focus on the development of energy storage solutions with a capacity of up to 120 MWh, according to Simtel.

To execute these projects, the two companies intend to utilize their own financial resources, bank financing, and other funding sources such as green bonds and European funds.

Two companies plan to develop renewable energy projects using an integrated model that covers the entire project life cycle

According to Simtel, the project portfolio that the two companies aim to pursue through this partnership can be executed either in full or in separate phases, depending on market demands and development opportunities. This approach will allow them to respond quickly to changes in the energy sector and adapt technical solutions to new challenges, the firm said.

The partnership will explore energy storage options to support the balancing and efficiency of electrical grids, thus meeting the growing demands for national energy stability and security.

Simtel and Monsson plan to develop renewable energy projects using an integrated model that covers the entire project life cycle – from planning and development to construction, sale, and, in exceptional cases, long-term operation.

Nedea: The partnership complements the strategy Simtel has defined for the 2025–2030 period

Ana Nedea, Director of Strategy and Business Development at Simtel, said that the two companies would combine their extensive resources and expertise to deliver projects that will contribute to reducing carbon emissions and enhancing Romania’s energy independence.

This partnership complements the strategy Simtel has defined for the 2025–2030 period, during which the firm is committed to implementing 500 MWp of green energy production capacity and expanding energy storage infrastructure by 300 MWh, Nedea noted.

Enache: Monsson has developed and invested in innovative energy storage solutions for large systems

According to Sebastian Enache, Monsson’s head of MA, the company has developed and invested in innovative energy storage solutions for large systems, bringing stability to the national energy grid and adding value to energy investments.

“Our patented water-cooling solutions for PRIME batteries and high-performance software, perfectly adapted to the Romanian market, will help the projects in which these are implemented to generate renewable energy continuously,” Enache stressed.

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