
Purchases of environmentally friendly cars rise 90%


March 21, 2016


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March 21, 2016


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In the first two months of the year 74 hybrid and electric cars were bought, nearly 90% more than in the same period of 2015, according to data from the Automotive Manufacturers and Importers Association (APIA), Agerpres reports.

The volume makes 0.6% of all new cars sold in Romania in January and February. Last month 35 green technology cars were sold, after 39 units in January. In 2015, 495 new hybrid and electric cars were sold in Romania, 110% more than in the previous year, according to the article.

The increasing number of electric cars comes amid the subsidies (still very limited) offered by the Romanian state for purchasing electric cars, low taxation (in Bucharest no tax is charged for an electric car) and the investments being made in developing stations electrical charge, mostly by private investors, said the report republished by

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