Photo: Pixabay
The Ministry of Industry, Energy, and Mining of the Republic of Srpska has launched a tender for a concession to install a 60 MW solar power plant in Bileća municipality, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
According to local media reports, energy producer and trader EFT, owned by Vuk Hamović, is interested in building the power plant.
The deadline to submit bids is April 13.
Company EFT is interested in the construction of solar power plant in Bileća municipality
Pursuant to Article 16 of the Law on Concessions and the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Srpska on initiating the procedure of awarding a concession for the construction of a solar power plant in the Bileća municipality, the ministry announces a public invitation for the submission of bids, according to the text of the announcement.
The estimated value of the investment is EUR 35.7 million
The construction of a solar power plant, with an estimated annual output of 84 GWh of electricity, is envisaged near the Skrobotno village, on the right side of the Trebinje – Bileća road, towards the Bileća Lake, at a location about one kilometer away from the road.
The power plant will be installed on 133 hectares
The estimated value of the investment is BAM 70 million (EUR 35.7 million), while electricity will be sold on the market.
The concession is to be awarded for 50 years
The plant will be installed on 133 hectares of land owned by the Republic of Srpska, the Bileća municipality and private owners.
The average annual energy generated per square meter of horizontal surface at the location is 1.52 GWh
According to the available data and preliminary analysis of the solar energy potential at the planned site, the average annual energy generated per square meter of a horizontal surface is 1.52 GWh.
The Republic of Srpska grants a concession for a maximum period of 50 years, and the minimum concession fee is equal to a one-off concession fee of BAM 700,000 (EUR 357,000) and a concession fee for the exploitation of BAM 0.0055 (EUR 0.0028) per kWh of electricity generated.
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