
Israel’s Enlight invests in wind power plant


January 28, 2016


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January 28, 2016


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Eurocom Group’s subsidiary Enlight Renewable Energy acquired 90% of the construction project for the wind power plant Lukovac, located nearby the Adriatic port of Split. The Israeli investor will take over for a total of USD 8.3 million (EUR 7.42 million), said a report by The plant has the capacity of 49 MW.

Eurocom is one of the biggest private holdings in Israel, operating in communication and real estate and other segments, the article said. The wind power project was developed by WPD Enersys, registered in Dubrovnik and owned by Željko Samardžić. Bloomberg learned from the Israeli investors they estimate the future project at EUR 63 million and that they are in search for partners. The wind power facility is being developed for several years in the municipality of Cista Provo. Domestic media said the impact assessment study got the green light and that an agreement was made with market operator Hrote about power purchase for 14 years. The Israeli company said the project planning phase should be complete in the first half of this year.

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