31 August 2021 - Auctions for wind parks with a total capacity of 2 GW will be held in Turkey by the end of the year through the YEKA mechanism, according to a report
27 August 2021 - By increasing the use of hydrogen, Turkey aims to take a step towards using cleaner resources and thus becoming less dependent on imported energy. This is of great importance as Turkey’s energy strategy focuses on local sources of energy.
11 August 2021 - Turkey, the world's number 12 in wind power production, reached 10 GW in capacity. The sector's share of electricity output so far this year was 9%.
09 August 2021 - Green power capacity is expected to increase from 19.07 GW in 2020 to 49.31 GW by 2030, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 10%.
06 August 2021 - Producers of cement, aluminium, electricity, and steel could face additional costs estimated at EUR 399-771 million in 2026.
04 August 2021 - Turkish firm Aydem Renewables sold green bonds for USD 750 million. It will add solar power units to hydro and wind assets, upgrading them to hybrid power plants
03 August 2021 - They will gain the skills thanks to a new network of renewable energy laboratories established by the UNDP.
30 July 2021 - Cengiz Holding added an 80 MW solar power plant to its 510 MW Lower Kaleköy hydroelectric unit in Turkey, integrating them into a hybrid power plant
21 June 2021 - Power producers and consumers in Turkey can now certify electricity from renewable sources including a trading system for guarantees of origin
28 May 2021 - Turkey will put 2 GW of wind power and 2 GW of solar power up for auction by the end of 2021 through the YEKA scheme
21 May 2021 - The Turkish government is working on legal requirements that will enable it to raise money with green and social bond packages, a news report revealed
30 April 2021 - The CBAM, planned for 2023, could drastically change the business conditions for all companies exporting goods to EU.
20 April 2021 - The Istanbul Stock Exchange is about to add five companies from the renewable energy sector, as they decided to tap on massive investor interest
05 April 2021 - JBIC co-financed a EUR 170 million line for TKYB within the program to promote Japanese environmentally-friendly technologies
31 March 2021 - Turkey can produce up to 1.6 million tons of hydrogen per year with power supply from renewables, substituting 5% of total final energy consumption
31 March 2021 - Garanti BBVA, the fifth-largest bank in Turkey vowed to cleanse the loan portfolio of the remaining coal mines and plants by 2040