

Romania to earmark EUR 2 billion in subsidies for prosumers

10 March 2023 - Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă said subsidies for households to install solar power panels and become prosumers would be doubled

delgaz grid investments grids prosumers

E.ON to invest EUR 2.2 billion in electricity, gas grids in Romania

09 March 2023 - The investment is aimed at modernizing, expanding, automating and digitalizing the electricity and natural gas networks

PPC buys Enel Group Romania

PPC buys Enel Group’s operations in Romania

09 March 2023 - Enel signed an agreement to sell its entire business in Romania to Public Power Corp. for EUR 1.26 billion.

Mass Group Iraqi firm switch defunct coal plant Mintia Romania gas hydrogen

Iraqi firm to switch defunct coal plant in Romania to gas, hydrogen

07 March 2023 - Mass Group Holding told Romania's PM Nicolae Ciucă it would invest more than EUR 1 billion in transforming the Mintia coal plant

ae solar romania factory prime minister nicolae ciuca

AE Solar plans solar panel factory in Romania

06 March 2023 - Plans for investment were revealed at the meeting of Prime Minister Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă with the company's representatives

Fluor Romania first country SMR nuclear power plant

Romania on track to become first country with SMR nuclear power plant

25 February 2023 - Prime Minister Ciucă said the small modular reactor project with Fluor and NuScale would enable Romania to supply electricity to the region

RWEA Romanian grid ready 3 GW wind power connections 2026

Romanian grid ready for 3 GW in wind power connections by 2026

24 February 2023 - Romania's TSO Transelectrica has connection contracts signed for wind projects with a combined capacity of 3 GW, according to RWEA

Rezolv Solar park of over 1 GW in Romania to include 500 MW in batteries

Solar park of over 1 GW in Romania to include 500 MW in batteries

23 February 2023 - The construction of a EUR 1 billion solar power plant with storage is due to begin in the summer in Romania's Arad province

Romania expects number prosumers 100 000 year end

Romania expects number of prosumers to reach 100,000 by year-end

21 February 2023 - The number of prosumers in Romania – households, firms and institutions, has tripled in 2022 to more than 40,000.

Romania Hidroelectrica concession Europe biggest solar power project

Romania’s Hidroelectrica to get concession for Europe’s biggest solar power project – report

10 February 2023 - government-controlled Hidroelectrica is the most likely candidate for a solar power project of up to 1.5 GW on Romanian state land

Romania subsidize households EUR 610 for photovoltaics

Romania to subsidize households with up to EUR 610 million for photovoltaics

01 February 2023 - Romania will subsidize as many as 150,000 households this year for the installation of solar panels on roofs and their private land

Romania is exploring geothermal waters at 24 locations

Romania is exploring geothermal waters at 24 locations

27 January 2023 - Romania is third or fourth in Europe in geothermal energy potential. Exploration is currently being conducted at 24 sites.

Romania and Bulgaria agree to build two hydropower plants on Danube

23 January 2023 - Romania and Bulgaria have agreed to build two hydropower plants on the Danube, which should be operational within the next five to six years.

black sea offshore wind romania bulgaria energy island

Artificial energy island would help Romania, Bulgaria tap offshore wind in Black Sea

20 January 2023 - Bucharest-based think tank Energy Policy Group has presented a report titled Offshore wind – the enabler of Romania’s decarbonisation

nofar energy rătești solar park

Nofar Energy plans 1.5 GW renewables portfolio in Romania for 2023

19 January 2023 - The company intends to put online 600 MWp in 2024-2025, and is close to starting production at the 155 MW Rătești solar park

Romania plans to expand coal mine over 100 hectares of forests

Romania plans to expand coal mine over 100 hectares of forests

16 January 2023 - More than 100 hectares of forests in Romania's Gorj region could be cut down to expand a lignite mine.

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