
EU funds development of hybrid solar cells


January 28, 2016


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January 28, 2016


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A team of scientists from the Ruđer Bošković Institute presented the project ‘Titanium Dioxide Nanostructures for Photovoltaic Cell, the Professional Development of Young Researchers / Postdocs’. The activities are financed by the European Social Fund with HRK 1.9 million (EUR 250,000) from the seven-year period through 2013. The 15-month project lasts until the end of September.

The group of five researchers is creating hybrid organic-inorganic photovoltaics which may be applied, inter alia, in production of sensors and catalyzers. The young scientists will be contacting potential users in the manufacturing sector, said project lead Davor Gracin and added mentors will especially focus on education in creating and running projects and knowledge commercialization. Also, team members will be coached in soft skills, human resources management, intellectual property, and process of innovation, the institute’s article said. The basic aim besides seeking innovation is to create preconditions to include young scientists into the European Research Area.




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